Beginning Lent

The upcoming posts which I intend to offer somewhat regularly thru Lent will consist of reflections given to the community at St. Patrick’s. We are reading thru the four Gospels and the 12 Paschal Vigil Prophesies Monday thru Saturday and concluding on the Saturday before Holy Week, (see reading list). 

For those who might like to join us in the readings or simply follow along below is:

  • Today’s reflection
  • An admonition not to waste another lent
  • The Lenten lectionary of the Gospels and 12 prophesies

Ash Wednesday March 13, 2019 


Today begins our Lenten reading plan if you choose to participate. I read the first two chapters of Matthew before Lauds this morning. I am very much looking forward to reading thru all four gospels, about the birth, life, death, and resurrection of Jesus in preparation for Holy Week when we will concentrate our whole body, soul, and mind upon the great mystery of God made Man, God Crucified, and God raised from the dead. 

Perhaps the first few years you heard the 12 prophecies read at the Paschal Vigil were a bit tedious. But after a few times thru we learn to listen patiently- and not in a hurry to get to the end. The readings take on a sense of deep importance to the grand story of Redemption stretching back into God’s choosing of a very particular and peculiar people- and we sense the whole story from beginning to end is about Jesus Christ. But it is not enough to simply listen, one wants to comprehend at some level the meaning of the readings and how they speak of Christ and so I have included in our reading plan the 12 prophecies to prepare us for the Vigil, to get us thinking about how these passages speak of Christ.

Lent is a time of repentance but it is above all a time of Joy, we call it a bright sadness. Repentance and Joy are not mutually exclusive as many imagine, they are in fact inseparable. 

 I Cor. 15:58 Therefore, my beloved brethren, be ye steadfast, unmovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, forasmuch as ye know that your labor is not in vain in the Lord.

See you tonight at the Ash Wednesday Mass

God bless you,

Fr. Patrick


Life is short. I only have so many Lent’s to take advantage of and I am tired of getting to the end of Lent regretting that I squandered yet another opportunity to grow in my salvation. I don’t want to waste another Lent. I am resolved to not settle for mediocrity and the status quo in my spiritual life. No more coasting. God help me this Lent to be deliberate and conscientious about my Lenten disciplines. The most amazing and wonderful thing in the world is that God has made Himself totally accessible in Jesus Christ. I can go to Him, call upon Him, be with Him- the only thing keeping me away is my laziness, lack of faith, and disobedience. It is time to awake, to rise and move up the mountain. 

Below is a short and partial list of things you can do to have a holy Lent. This list is really what we should be doing all year and yet Lent gives us an opportunity to re-group and put forth extra effort to make a new beginning in our quest for God and a holy life. You must be deliberate; it is important to plan, think ahead, and make a list and schedule for yourself. Otherwise Lent will pass you by and you will come to its end once again with regrets of how you wasted yet another opportunity. May none of us say at the end of this Lenten season; “well maybe next year…..?”

The purpose of everything we do in Lent is to draw us closer to God. If we fast and do not pray we have gained nothing. Keep in mind we do not do these things for their own sake but to orient ourselves to God for repentance and prayer. 

  • Keep the Fast both in form and in spirit. 
  • Don’t obsess about food- keep it simple
  • Fast from anger, envy, strife, 
  • Pay attention to my thoughts
  • Ask forgiveness and reconcile with “that person…”
  • Spend at least 5 minutes two times a day in silent stillness before God- longer would be better
  • Be faithful to your prayer rule
  • If you have been faithful to your prayer rule- increase your prayer 
  • Read the Scriptures daily (see suggested Lenten Lectionary)
  • Read a spiritual book 
  • Turn the radio off in the car and pray 
  • Curtail or eliminate: social media, un-necessary internet use, TV, and radio
  • Curtail: activities, travel, entertainment
  • Simplify your schedule 
  • Prepare for a good confession – and before Holy Week
  • Come to more services: We have daily lauds and Mass thru Lent, Stations on Fridays and Vespers and Benediction on Saturday’s. 
  • Show up to services early and quietly prepare 
  • Increase your giving, Tithes, offerings, and alms
  • Do not please yourself but offer your time, energy and interest to the needs of someone else. 
  • Eat dinner together as a family