Lenten Blog: The First Prophecy

The First of the 12 Paschal Vigil Prophecies is from Genesis chapter 1 thru 2:2. We have assigned this reading for March 15th and 18th

From: The Liturgical Year by Dom Prosper Gueranger Vol. VI

This first Lesson speaks to us of the Creation, of the Spirit of God moving over the waters, of the separation of light from darkness, and of Man’s being made to the likeness of his God. This work of the Creator had been deranged and spoiled by Satan’s malice. The time is come, when it is to recover all its beauty. The Holy Ghost is about to effect this regeneration by Water; Christ, our Light, is going to rise from the darkness of the tomb ; the image of God is to re-appear in man, for he is to be cleansed by the Blood of his Redeemer, who is the new Adam, that came down from heaven, in order to re-instate, in all his rights, the old and earthly Adam.

After the Lesson is chanted:

Priest: Let us Pray.

Deacon: Let us bow the knee.

Sub-deacon: Arise.

Collect: O GOD, who didst wonderfully create man, and hast more wonderfully redeemed him: grant us, we beseech thee, such strength of mind to withstand the enticements of sin; that we may be found worthy to attain to everlasting joys. Through our Lord Jesus Christ thy Son: Who liveth, etc.